How to be successful


We all have different definitions of success, and that’s exactly as it should be because we’re all aiming for different things. However, there are some general principles that can help all of us, no matter what we’re aiming for. Here are Glen and John’s tips for achieving your own success. Have a listen to the episode below where they discuss these in detail:


John’s tips

Play the long game and be patient

Don’t be put off by what you see others achieving – it might look like it’s been an overnight success, but there’s often a lot of hard work behind what you see. Set your long term vision and the steps needed to get there. Then go for it – one step at a time, don’t rush, and you’ll see your plans succeed.


Don’t follow the crowd

The strategy or the focus needs to be personal to you – don’t follow the mobs. Choose a path that’s what you want, not copying someone else.


Have a great mindset

Be open to change, ready to tackle setbacks, and not driven by ego.


Be genuine in your approach

Be genuine and consistent with your values and with people – being true to your values and stick to them. Be kind to others along the way – don’t burn your bridges and those relationships will benefit your plans.


Work smart; work hard

Dedicate yourself to your tasks to see them through. Do what needs to be done and make sure you set up smart processes so you’re working well, not just hard.


Glen’s tips

Know your value as a human

No amount of money can change your humanness. Be secure in who you are – you’re not better than anyone else, and you carry great value in this world. If you earn $50k or over, you’re in the top 1% of income earners in the world – you’re already successful. Keep this in mind as you make your plans – practice being content where you are already.


Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

Stick to your goals and what is successful for you. Comparison is the thief of joy. Run your own race.


Utilise momentum

Take any attainable step toward your goal. Taking that step is progress toward your goal. You could use Vicki Writer’s suggestion of using post-it notes to outline what steps you need to take no matter how small – check out the episode where Vicki explains this here.


Set a clear strategy, however small

Grab a journal and jot down the names of people who have done what you’re aiming to do - ask them questions about how they achieved it.


Delay pleasure – you may need to sacrifice

Short term pain for long term gain. What can you do today to start heading toward your goal? There’s every chance that delaying some gratification now can help you achieve your version of success because you were willing to sacrifice. That might mean time, money or things like holidays. But in the end it will be worth it if you’re willing to see it through.


Risks might need to be involved

What level of risk are you willing to handle? Grab a pen and paper and write down all the possible risks you’re facing in achieving your goals, and the worst thing that could happen. Calculate the risks you face, and prepare to tackle them if you need to. Assess the pros and cons of taking the step. FEAR = false evidence appearing real. Checkout the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill from Glen’s recommended book list blog – Hill says: faith and fear can’t exist at the same time, you must choose one and hang your hat on that.


There are no shortcuts

There is due process you’ll need to see to. Some things can’t be avoided. But, there can be catapults that give you a head start. Make the most of those opportunities and be confident in looking after the essential things that just have to be done to achieve your goal.


Don’t chase the dollars

You won’t last. You’ll end up empty and you won’t be content.


Aim for contentment, not happiness

Happy is conditional on your circumstances – contentment is long-term. There will be tough days - days where you’ll feel like it’s too hard or you want to give up. But if you’re really focused and content with what you’re doing, you’ll get there no matter how many rough days you experience.


Don’t lie

Straight up. It never helped anyone.


Commit to your plans

Have integrity and don’t be flaky. If you’re going to go for something, then go for it. See it through. Persistence is a crucial element to success.